Recycled metal from Ariane 5 rocket*
With our focus on space and our wish to to favour sustainability, SpacePep's naturally turned to Ariane 5 manufacturers. The latest rocket of which took off from Kourou on the 5th of July, 2023.
Collaboration with manufacturers from the world of European launchers
Convinced by the values of SpacePep's project, certain manufacturers of European launchers have joined forces with the project. Their aim: to promote the world of rockets and to make their mark on the everyday lives of Europeans.
Valorisation process
The industrial partners delicately select the noblest metals that they wish to immortalise. These rocket parts are then machined, cut, and adjusted by expert hands in order to integrate them with precision into the handle of our creations.
Rocket parts available
Currently, spacepep's offers metal parts from Ariane 5 boosters (pawns, nozzle junction screws, etc.). Other items will soon be added to this list. If you yourself are a European space industrialist, sharing the same values as Spacepep's and wishing to be part of the adventure, do not hesitate to contact us.
The legacy of Ariane 5 rockets: 25 years of space adventure
Ariane 5 rockets were first used in 1996, and have made 117 flights to date. They have carried iconic passengers into space. These include Rosetta, the comet-hunting probe of the European Space Agency (ESA), the James Webb Space Telescope (NASA), and the JUICE probe sent to discover Jupiter (ESA).
Ariane 5 rockets have also played a key role in Europe's contribution to the International Space Station (ISS), having delivered an Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) on five occasions.
*Ariane 5 is a European Space Agency (ESA) programme, designed and developed by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) for ESA, and operated by Arianespace.